Hypnotherapy has long been recognised to be a very powerful method for personal development. In fact, it is known to have been in use for the last 6,000 years. Today, all around the world, people use the power of hypnosis to help deal with a vast range of problems.
What is hypnosis?
Everyone experiences hypnosis regularly. It occurs just before you fall asleep and just as you awaken. Other examples include losing track of time when reading a good book or when watching something interesting on television. In essence, hypnosis is simply a state of heightened relaxation and altered awareness. When you are relaxed in this way, it is possible to make contact with your powerful subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind which contains infinite wisdom and a very deep level of intelligence. It is your untapped resource for creativity and imagination. It is your ‘inner power’.
The subconscious mind is the seat of all your emotions and therefore directs nearly all your behaviour. Most importantly, the subconscious is responsible for maintaining the body in good health and for all the autonomic processes, e.g., breathing, blood circulation, tissue repair and controlling blood-sugar level.
Hypnosis is a doorway to another world – your inner world, the enchanted realms of your imagination. Using hypnosis, whereby the subconscious mind can be contacted, ‘inner power’ is brought about to promote desired changes and physical well-being. Therefore it can also create the pathway to having a natural birth too.
What does hypnosis feel like?
We are in natural hypnosis 60% of the time. So you already know what it feels like. You are in natural hypnosis when you read a good book and get totally ‘lost’ in the story. It is the same when watching a good film, watching TV, driving the car or just daydreaming. These are all dreamlike states, similar to the feelings when one is just drifting off to sleep. It is a time of deep relaxation. The safe, intended hypnosis used during your sessions is entering these same natural states deliberately and with awareness. It is a method that allows you to enter a trance-like state of deep relaxation safely, so the hypnotherapist can access and communicate directly with the subconscious and give instructions or ‘suggestions’. You only accept the ‘suggestions’ if you are in agreement with them. These suggestions are personally suited to the individual client’s needs and how they would like the birth to be. A CD recording of the suggestions (or ‘programme’ as it is called) is provided so that you can reinforce these suggestions at home and obtain even greater benefit from the hypnotic session. The recording is made during the session.
So in hypnosis you are deeply relaxed and calm, aware of everything happening around you. It is a pleasant and enjoyable state very similar to daydreaming or drifting off to sleep. Some people find they feel very heavy in hypnosis. Others feel light and floaty. Some people get a combination of these feelings oscillating between feeling heavy and light. Others feel no different at all. Whatever you feel is the right feeling for you!
Is it safe to go into hypnosis?
Absolutely. It is a completely safe, comfortable and relaxed experience.
Will I be under the hypnotist’s “power”?
No. You are in charge. You cannot be made to do anything against your will and you cannot be taken into hypnosis if you do not want to. It is your experience and you are in control throughout.
What if I cannot be hypnotised?
You can. Everyone can, as long as they want to be. The amazing thing is you do not even have to try to relax. You just let it happen.
Will I be asleep under hypnosis?
No. You are fully awake and alert, aware of everything that is happening throughout the session.
How can Hypnosis help me?
With hypnosis there are literally no limits to what you can achieve. You have the power to make changes in your life – changes that take place quickly and changes that last. If you are pregnant and a smoker you can stop smoking. If you have needle and/or hospital phobias you can become calm and relaxed in these situations. Hypnosis helps you to overcome anxiety and be relaxed and in control. Childbirth is a natural process and one that women’s bodies were designed for. With hypnosis you learn how to call on your body’s own natural epidural which can eliminate the need for medication. This allows your body and your baby to work together in the most natural way possible. Hypnobirthing mothers are aware and fully in control as they bring their babies into the world. After the birth hypnosis allows the body to heal up quickly. You bond with your baby and breastfeed easily, you are confident as a mother and you also reduce your weight back to pre-pregnancy weight, shape and dimensions in a few weeks. All this can be achieved with Inner Power Hypnobirthing by activating the ‘inner power’ of your mind!
For the full description of how hypnosis can help you go to the ‘How hypnobirthing can help me’ page.
How many sessions will I need?
That depends on you and how many weeks pregnant you are. If your baby is due in several weeks time, then it is best to do 3 sessions for the hypnobirthing. At the first session we chat about what you would like to achieve and I take you into hypnosis so you are familiar with the feeling. At the second session you get a very personal CD recording, which I make during the session (based on all the information I collected in your first session), to keep you calm through the pregnancy. At the third session you get another CD to see you through the birth, healing, breastfeeding, bonding with your baby and getting your figure back in about two weeks to your pre-pregnancy size and weight.
If you do not have too much time before your due date, then sessions 2 and 3 can be done together in one and a half hours.
If you are only a few weeks away from your due date you can opt for one long session lasting two and a half hours where I do all 3 sessions together.
Is Hypnosis like ‘Positive Affirmations’?
An affirmation is anything you say or think and this affects your subconscious mind. Your thinking in fact, determines all things. Think negatively and you attract negative realities. Think positively and the benefits you desire in life will come true. Using hypnosis you are able to think more positively and the CD you get from the sessions is a series of positive affirmations making up a self-hypnosis programme. Thus when in hypnosis you are able to take on board all the affirmations by tapping into your ‘inner power’ to change your life for the better and to have a wonderfully natural childbirth.
How is Hypnosis involved in the mind-body connection?
Hypnosis is an extension of the expression “mind over matter”. The mind constantly affects the body, often creating anxieties of different forms, lack of confidence, fear and all sorts of other feelings. However, using the innate ‘inner power’ of the subconscious mind in hypnosis you are able to make the changes you desire and be more positive and in control in all situations. As you can see ‘positive affirmations’ are very closely linked to this mind-body connection.
How do I make and appointment if I am an existing client and would like a new CD?
Call me on 020 8660 6022 to have a chat or have any other questions you would like to ask me. Or email me – paola@innerpowerhypnobirthing.co.uk
and then we can fix a time for a telephone, or Skype, consultation.